What is Climbit?

Climbit is a web application that helps you decide where to go on your next climbing trip. On the website you can search and filter for climbing destinations, based on your needs and wants.

This is a sideproject I was working on between august 2018 and december-ish in 2019. I started the project because I wanted to get better at python and backend programming. At the time there was no website like this out there for climbing destinations, so I was thinking that it could potentially fill a hole in the climbing destination interwebs.

As of summer 2020, climbit is no longer online due to lack of time and prioritization.

What technologies are used?

  • Python as the general backend language
  • Flask as the web framework
  • SQLite3 as database
  • SQLAlchemy for communicating with the database
  • HTML5
  • Javascript & jQuery for UI and Ajax
  • Pillow for compression and resizing of images
  • Redis & redis-queue for background workers
  • Google maps API for map generation
  • DarkSky API for weather forecast
  • Rates API for currency conversion
  • Ubuntu server **at Digital Ocean
  • Github For pushing changes from development to production

I did not use any frontend frameworks, but coded everything from scratch in HTML, CSS and JavaScript/jQuery.

The site uses Ajax calls to the database whenever the filter is changed.

It is fully responsive.

Design and UX

The design was made by me. The goal is to make the site as easy to use as possible, while still being nice to look at.

For logo and icons I use Adobe Illustrator.